Thursday 24 November 2016

The Green Wave - Hempconomics

It has been long since I wrote last time.

We are simply humans and a tsunami of personal and professional matters has kept me away... but not absent!

I must confess that since then until now,  it has been overwhelming with everything that is happening with the Cannabis Industry in a worldwide scale. So I prepared this short video for the cause. Ecoplanning is working on the projects shown in this video, Hemp4ALL

CONGRATULATIONS to Australia that has step forward in the right time and right direction. This is a technological race that we can not stay behind. Miss Mary Jane Australia

CONGRATULATIONS to the United States of America, Oh My, they are upholding the torch of this Green Wave. US Cannabis Status

CONGRATULATIONS to Mexico that it has declared Cannabis as a Human Right.

Regardless of the turning point events that politicians and the military industry may trigger on behalf of an dying and contaminating industry, The Cannabis Industry is here to heal the world and make it more sustainable, cleaner and healthier  for all.

I reaffirm, that a Cannabis world trade commerce will be needed quite soon and if you can't grow your own then it is not a free market and the free market is the foundation of the Western Civilisation that must rule the Hempconomics

Ramon Granados, Bsc.