Sunday 29 May 2016

My vote for a new Civilization

I became Australian by choice.  I love Australia. Australia is home. 

Australia is so huge that the dreams about humanity are just little sparkling lights compared with the marvellous milky way that one can watch in the Australian Outback.

Overwhelming emotion.

One of my loves for Australia is the democracy. I believe in Democracy. In the search for freedom, I arrived in Perth, WA. The democracy where I am from (Venezuela) has always been a difficult challenge. The country itself has always been sunk in a negative cycle of corruption and impunity. 

All along the Venezuelan history, the demons of dictators have been in the air. They are never fully caged. So, Voting has always been questionable. Besides, in the election days, the poll centers are completely militarised, the media only broadcast soap operas and cartoons but are not allowed to disclose any type of forecast until the government approves so... mostly when the status quo agrees first what it good for them.

I consider the Australian voting system much from trustful compared with Venezuela. In Australia, the corruption has been minimised compared with most of the third world countries and even tough some politicians do not quite response to the urgent need of change, Australia is always evolving for better.

Yes, we face challenges with some current politicians but I have seen that Australian politicians are much smarter than most people believe.

However, as I explained in my previous blog, the Cannabis industry is a scientific and technological race. The foundation of the Cannabis Industry is scientific and technological. 

Unfortunately, Most of the politicians in the world lack of those understandings. Australia is not an exception! and moreover, Australia is risking getting quite behind in the race of the Cannabis Industry.

I want to vote for a new civilisation. I want to vote for politicians that openly supports the cannabis industry: Medicinal and Recreational Marihuana and Industrial Hemp. 

Actually, I would like to invite all Australians organisations, clubs, businesses and citizens to unite as one political force and be able to transform Australia in the leading country in the Cannabis Industry. By selecting only those politicians who support full legalisation, we, the people, can make a difference.

It may sounds daring but I think that politicians who support prohibition are supporting organised crime. Really, it is worth to think about it.

I invite to join forces and choose the right politicians for the job that the Cannabis industry needs.

We, Australia, can become an ecological society and heal the world. Cannabis can help to change the world for better.

Ramon Granados, Bsc.

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